Room 103 » Room 103

Room 103

Teacher: Ms. Rosie Soto-Valenzuela


Mrs. Maria Alejandro

Mrs. Lisa Alvarado

Mr. Alonso Lopez

Hello I am Teacher Rosie, "I have been an Educator for 21 years with LAUSD, I have a Bachelor's degree in Child Development, studies in school site Administration, Psychology, Theory and Foundations, Early Literacy and Dual Language Learning. My Master’s and Credential in education are in process. I believe in a holistic approach where we nurture and provide tools/skills that will allow all our students to develop in all sense of the world, academically and socially emotionally. I utilize English, Spanish and nonverbal cues to communicate with my students and I love to hear or see them speak/express themselves in the language they feel more comfortable using. I am passionate about my job and helping my students grow, thrive and succeed by providing plenty of opportunities and highly qualified intentional instruction; I believe that the academic environment should be a stimulating, rich, multicultural and respectful place filled with opportunities for excellent learning experiences to occur. In my classroom we are all valued, welcomed, and respected as we are! These qualities are fundamental for us to learn from each other as we are all life long learners. I am a fan of STEM and incorporate it into my lessons regularly! In my classroom there are no wrong answers and the process of learning is more important than the end result! Fun facts about me: I love nature, hiking, walking my dog, spending time with my family and I’m a big movies/series buff! 
Lets Make Lemonade!
Splash Day
Summer Fun!
Our Friendship Guacamole Activity!